About MPEI
National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" was founded in 1930 in Moscow as a main source of engineers for developing power engineering industry. The list of specialties was widened and enlarged with discovering of new energy sources, solving new scientific and technological problems, implementing of new methods of energy generation, distribution and consumption. MPEI is of the same age as Russian Power Engineering.
The area of modern power engineering includes actually power engineering
(hydropower, wind power, thermal, nuclear, solar and space power,
etc.), electrical equipment, sciences about materials, electronics,
classical and applied physics, radio engineering and communication,
computer systems, management and economics in power engineering. All
these spheres and other directions of the special training are available
in MPEI for foreign undergraduate and graduate students. MPEI is rigged up with educational and scientific laboratories, offices and lecture halls with modern equipment and technical training aids. MPEI holds one of the leading places in every-year official rating among technical universities of Russia. In 2010 MPEI obtained status of National Research University and in 2011 it's name was changed to "National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute".
MPEI was always open for cooperation and communication with the whole world. MPEI has a cooperation agreements in educational and scientific fields with more than 100 universities abroad. Since 1946 MPEI provides education for foreign students. In 1987 MPEI became a member of International Association of Universities. In 2009 MPEI became a part of new University of Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
Since 1995 training of both Bachelor and Master foreign students on the
specialty “Informatics and Computer Engineering” is organized in English
The present web-site was founded in order to support all forms of student's academic mobility: both for foreign students, who arrive to MPEI for education and exchange, and for MPEI students, who wish to take part in MPEI international programs.